Friday, April 1, 2011

Buy the real deal...

Take a moment and contemplate the adverse effects of purchasing counterfeit, knockoff, and fake merchandise. The quality is always inferior. These products don't come with a manufacturers guarantee or replacement policy.

Quality control procedures are never conducted or practiced. Buying phony boloney will get you oaky dokey goods every time. Think about this the next time you have the urge to buy fake rather than the real deal.
  • Fake designer handbags contain lead in the metal components.
  • Cosmetics and beauty products contain chemical compounds and unknown ingredient.
  • Health care products contain pesticides, bacteria and other poisons.
  • It diminishes revenue and creates job losses, and increases the cost of consumer goods.
  • Lead poisoning can cause neurological damage to your body.
  • It's a crime and promotes illegal trade and copyright infringement.
Take a tip in the right direction, if you need, want or must have that name brand merchandise, try saving for it, wait for the sale or shop at authorized manufacturers discount stores. You know if it's too good to be true, then don't pursue. Foach is not Coach, Ucci is not Gucci, Fimberlands are not Timberlands, Nick is not Nike and Purcell is not Duracell the long lasting bunny.

How can you help? The laws in place are for your protection. Be kind and considerate to your mind, body and soul.  Be an advocate and report counterfeit goods to the manufacturers via their websites or toll free numbers.

Do The Right Thing!!!